Web Application Penetration Testing
Web application login testing involves checking the security integrity of applications based on company browsers. Ciphersec Security explores the aggressive location of all web-based services, including APIs and web sites. We use the same malicious measures that can be used to hack security and gain access to protected information or install the company’s internal systems.
You can be a business focused on building web applications for use by other organizations. They should have complete confidence in your application to ensure its continued success. The failure of your business to detect and repair risk puts your reputation and risk line at risk. It is difficult to regain trust after a security breach. Penn testing helps ensure that the web application performs at the expected level of reliability, performance, security and performance. Ciphersec looks at the risks identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). It is a public effort dedicated to finding and reporting on the security risks of the latest web application.
In contrast, the Network Pen Tester will engage in so-called ethical hacking. These security personnel will set up tests that behave as if they were from a real digital criminal. By mimicking real-time attacks, computer, internet and network login testing will show exactly how systems respond to cyber security threats. Security experts will also provide clear repair advice that can be applied to software, hardware, or the human side of managing complex digital systems.